MXCP CYC Build a vehicle
We are now well underway with our first week of the selection process of our Build a Vehicle courses. 5 lucky young people will be selected from their groups to undertake the task of building a vehicle from scratch using a power source of their choice! Keep posted for updates!
The chosen Cyber Youth Connection/MXCP riders done us proud in Le Touquet! With a field of over 150 riders Patrick O'neill finised 37th and Jordan Chapman finished 93rd. Their team of mechanics and pit-boarders worked relentlessly to keep everything running as smoothly as it did for the riders, so Jack Staples, Charlie Knight and Stuart Galloway well done on looking after your team riders in this grueling 1.5 hour race! This was a cross-border project with seven partners from France and two from the UK – Medway council and Suffolk County council – and the project is co-funded by the Interreg IVA programme. A big thank you to our funders and well done to our whole team!!
MXCP 2012
Welcome to the MXCP site, please take your time to look around to see the new ventures we have to offer in 2012 with our Motocross Experience days and Educational Programmes. Also please visit us on Facebook, so if you have any questions or queries we can get back to you personally. Hope to see you all in 2012!!
The chosen Cyber Youth Connection/MXCP riders done us proud in Le Touquet! With a field of over 150 riders Patrick O'neill finised 37th and Jordan Chapman finished 93rd.